Funded position available: TA position in electrical and computer engineering

The UNH ECE Department has an opening for a teaching assistant (TA) for the 2023-2024 academic year. The TA will support the department’s educational mission by engaging in a number of tasks such as grading, teaching in labs, holding office hours, and/or teaching recitations. The TA will work 20 hours per week and receive a stipend, as well as a tuition waiver.

The TA will work towards an MS or PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. If you are interested in conducting research under my supervision, and working as a TA in the UNH ECE Department, please reach out to me. The research topics I am interested in are related to HCI support for work, as well as worker wellbeing. I work towards both understanding the needs of workers, as well as designing human-computer interaction techniques and devices to support those needs. Specific topics of interest to me include (1) work in non-traditional locations, such as in future automated vehicles, and work from home; (2) supporting remote meetings; and (3) supporting creative work by remote workers. For HCI technologies and methods, I am interested in speech interaction, augmented reality, virtual reality, driving simulation, as well as eye tracking. You can view my Google Scholar page to get a better idea of my research interests.